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Peak #34 – Steps, Steps and More Steps

There was a gap in the weather window to head down south and bag a few more peaks. Little did I know one of then involved steps, steps and more steps!

It wasn’t long after returning from Tapy and I was having to return to work soon. So I jumped at the small weather window to head down to Mt Cook village.

My bag was packed, accommodation booked and after a relatively good sleep I got up at some unearthly hour (3am!) and began my drive south.

After a mandatory pie stop in Fairlie, I found myself parked up and walking by 8:20am. Today’s target was Mt Ollivier (1,933m) a dwarf shadowed by Mt Cook and Mt Sefton.

I knew the trail was a very popular tourist walk so I was not concerned at all around trail conditions. I had read that there were a number of steps that take you roughly halfway to Mueller Hut. What these articles failed to mention was just how many steps there were!!

From the start of the climb right the way to the Sealey Tarns was built in steps.

The going was tough but it wasn’t long until I found and rhythm and got high enough to be in the sun.

The first people I came across was above the Sealey Tarns of which they began the common conversation of “you must’ve left early”. Little did they know just how early I did leave.

As mentioned earlier the walk is a very popular route that takes you to a stunning alpine hut, Mueller Hut. As a result most people heading up stay the night, this was not what I had planned on doing however. My plan was to summit then return to Mt Cook village to attempt another peak the following day.

After making it to the main ridgeline, the low lingering cloud lifted to reveal Mt Sefton in all its beauty. Mt Cook was still clouded over so I was unable to see its peak.

Moody cloud levels coming and going

The leading ridgeline was really. Mellow and I found myself passing Mueller Hut in no time.

Mt Ollivier is located another 20min walk beyond the hut. This section was a bit more rugged with parts where you had to make sure of your footing so you didn’t go knee deep into a rock crevasse.

As if timed to perfection, as I summited Ollivier the clouds lifted releasing the stunning landscape that is Mt Cook National Park.

In the heart of the Southern Alps.

As per usual, a phone call with dad occured as I was having a quick bite to eat. After the photoshoot it was time to head back to the Hut and have lunch!

As I arrived the last of the overnight traveller’s were departing so for 15-20 minutes I had the place to myself.

Lunch was tasty leftover nachos that went down a treat.

It wasn’t long until a few others arrived to the Hut doing day trips in and out similar to me. One of which was a runner training for Coast to Coast who I think was based in Wanaka. He was a bloody good bloke and we spent the best part of 45 minutes chatting away.

The day had dragged out and it was just after midday when I began my trek back down the hill.

There were a few parties heading up to stay the night that I passed which was cool to see. People out experiencing what we have to offer in our backyards.

The view looking down the valley towards Mt Cook village.

I made it back to car and headed for my accommodation for the night.

I was stoked that on arrival the upgraded me to a double bed private room cause my initial room was next to a group of school kids. Win!

It felt bloody good to lie down and have a shower. It was time to rest and recuperate before heading out for dinner.

#34 Mt Ollivier – 1,933m, 10.5km, 5 hours 15 min

Time for a good sleep then repeat it all again tomorrow!
