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Peak #38 – Timed To Perfection

The weekend had come round again and with a small front looking at threatening my walk, an early start meant I had timed it to perfection.

Just a few kilometers along the ridge from last week’s effort, Mt Cockayne (1,874m) was the days target.

The day was gloomy and overcast with some strong winds about. The forecast had said lowering cloud with an increase in winds and precipitation.

Getting moving early meant less time battling the elements!

A very grey, moody day in the Craigieburn’s.

I parked down by the Cheeseman lodge then proceeded to walk up Cheesey DH, a well known mountain bike track. This made for fast progress up the hill and out onto the skifield road.

After passing Mt Cheeseman Ski Field base stations, I picked my way up through the ski field on a few ski runs and also under the lift line.

Fortunately the gradient was great and I made fast progress towards the top. The last pinch was bloody steep and all on loose scree. With that last push sapping a fair amount of energy I was stoked to make it to the top before the weather really set in.

Photos and videos were taken before dropping back down the scree for a quick bite to eat.

Atop a cold windy Cockayne

My way down was to be slightly different than the way up. I held the contour around to the South and walked along the ridge leading above the base stations.

My ascent was timed to perfection. I looked back as I was about to drop off the ridge and the summit was covered in a dark cloud and I felt the first drops of rain on my face. Ideal.

Beat the weather by 15 minutes, how good.

From here it was a fun descent down scree and tussock back onto the mountain bike trail I used to climb up earlier.

Not to much longer and I was back at the car.

A short, sharp effort to tick off #38

#38 Mt Cockayne – 1,874m, 10.1km, 3 hours

Till next next time,