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Peak #39 – Mt Guy With Company

The weekend had come round and it was time to head back into the mountains, this time with company!

Good friend and old flat mate Chris had messaged me earlier in the week saying he was keen to tag along. His only condition was that it was a hugey. So, with that in mind I thought it be best to tick off Mt Guy (1,319m).

Located up the Rangitata River Valley, we had a bit of a drive but we were greeted with the same spectacular views I love. This was my 3rd trip up to the Lake Clearwater area and the backdrop is just amazing. If you ever get the chance to head in there, do so.

Lake Clearwater as still as can be. Made me wish I brought the big camera.

We were able to drive around the eastern flank of the Lake which was pleasant as it shortened our walking distance which is always a win!

There was no warm up for the legs as straight from the car we crossed the mouth of the river and started climbing. The gradient started as steep and just got steeper.

Soon after we dropped a layer and kept meandering up the route to the top. Chris was enjoying himself and it was good to have some company.

We knew the weather was going to turn hence why we started so early but that turn did mean we were meet with some cold winds the higher we got.

Upon cresting to the top plateau the winds were coming straight off the alps and were cold!

On Top of Mt Guy

We took the mandatory photos then dropped back down off the tops and took shelter behind a rocky knob for some food.

The way down was fast. Chris found a new appreciation and respect for hiking as he soon found his thighs to be burning. It was slightly amusing for me but perhaps less so for Chris.

Chris happy we are going down.

Getting back to the car felt nice, having bet the weather and smashing some more food.

#39 Mt Guy – 1,319m, 6.5km, 3 hours 30 minutes

Another bagged and a step closer to success. Now to get a few more before winter truly sets in.

Till next time,
